Club Welfare Officer
Tue, 29 Mar 2011
Club Welfare Officer
As you may be aware all sports clubs should have a designated club welfare officer. This position covers all aspects of the needs of the club and its young and vulnerable members. Valkyrs Hockey Club Welfare officer is Andrea Kneen.
If you are a visitor or play for Valkyrs and you have any concerns in relation to the welfare of a Childs protection, you should report your concerns to the welfare officer. The welfare officer has a duty to report all serious incidents of concern to the MHA welfare officer. It is the aim of the welfare officer to ensure that the club is a safe place for all people, particularly young people.
We have adopted the MHA policy for safeguarding and protecting young people and their anti bullying policy:
If you wish to contact the club regarding anything in relation to a Childs welfare, safety or protection then please feel free to contact Andrea Kneen; Home Phone 617222, Mobile 471003, or email: